Thursday, May 28, 2009

Amazing Crab Cakes from Lauren's Mom

The lack of measurements in this recipe can be explained by the fact that it is a family one. If you find particular quantities that work out well for you please comment to share with everyone.

Use Crab from Costco in the cooler section (not frozen)

Add the following to taste

*Small amount mayonnaise (to hold cakes together once mixed)
*Lemon Zest
*Lemon Juice
*Fresh Dill and Chives
*Sea Salt and Pepper
*Cayenne Pepper
*Add 1/2 cup approximately of Panko

Chill. Roll in small balls and press into a flat cak. Coat with more panko. Place in a hot skillet using a small amount of olive oil or butter. Cook until crisy on outside.

Serve with the following or with your own concoction:
The Ojai Cook Latin or Lemon Lemonaise
Chili Sauce

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